Waikato International Community Gardening Project Update March 4th 2013

Posted 12 years ago by WIC Coordinator    2 comments

Haere Mai – Malo E Lelei – Kia Orana – Talofa Lava – Aloha – Fakaalofa Lahi Atu – Ni Sa Bula – Kam Na Mauri – Taloha Ni – Talofa Ni – Khush Amadeed – Sowagat Hai – Pakhair Raghalay – Marhaban – Ni Hao – Namaste – Choum Reap Sur – Soo Dhawaada – Masayang Pagdating – Bienvenido – Welcome

WIC Harvest Celebration

You are invited to the Waikato International Community Gardening Project  Harvest Celebration

      Where: At Grandview Community Garden   

      When: Friday March 22nd 5.30pm

  •  BBQ provided
  • Please bring a plate of food from your garden

 Join us at Grandview Community Garden and celebrate the achievements of the WIC Project with a harvest meal and tour of the garden.

Please park on Grandview Road and walk in the gate opposite 183 Grandview Rd. Questions? phone or txt Clare 021 0387623 

Garden Diary

Papaloloa harvested yellow tomatoes

Desmond and Shirley's dwarf beans are up

Annie’s lemongrass is enjoying the hot weather

Fungai’s maize corn is flowering

Paul transplanted pack choi and cabbages

Sam and Rara planted out spinach and pak choi seedlings

In Tokoroa, the SWPICS garden is producing tomatoes and crookneck squash

The first butternut pumpkin is nearly ripe in the Iris garden

Ma’ara’s yacons are over a metre high

Phil's sunflower is taller than him

Kora's and Valeti’s lettuce seedlings are ready to plant out

Ali and Yuri picked and saved silverbeet seeds at Grandview Community Garden

How do you know when your vegetables are ripe?

Some vegetables ripen after you have picked them, and other vegetables do not. Here are a few tips:

Rock melon (cantaloupe) is ripe when the fruit smells sweet and perfumed. Some have grey skins, other types have yellow or green skins when ripe.

Watermelon is ripe when it sounds hollow when you tap it, and the tendril nearest the fruit is dry and brown

In the photo: unripe watermelon with green tendrils

Pumpkins and butternut are ripe and sweet when they have a hard, coloured shell, the stalk is brown and the plant has died away. Leave the stalk on when you pick the pumpkin. It stops rot getting in.

In the photo - a ripe pumpkin with dry stalk and hard skin

Zuccini, courgettes, kamo kamo and squash can be picked and eaten at any size. They  grow a hard skin as they get bigger. At this stage you can pick and store them in a cool dry place.

Pick tomatoes when they are pale green, yellow or red. Unripe tomatoes ripen after they have been picked. Keep them in the fruit bowl.

Sweet corn is ripe when the silks or tassel at the end of the cob is dry.

Capsicum and chilli  are ready to eat when green or red. The flavour is sweeter when they are red


Have you got tiny white flies on your cabbage, pak choi or broccoli? They suck sap from the plant, and make leaves yellow and wilted. Whiteflies like the warm weather but die when the cold nights arrive.

Tips to control whiteflies:

  • Fill a trigger bottle with water and squirt the undersides of the leaves in the early morning, 3 days in a row..
  • Soap spray: Use only pure soap, as detergents will damage your plants. Liquid soap: 2 Tbsp (30 ml) per litre of water. Dry soap: 5 grams per litre of water. Rinse plants afterwards

Drought in the Waikato

Our region is now at Water Alert Level 3, which means hand watering only.

Seedling vegetables: three times a week (one litre per plant = one milk bottle full)

Vegetables: twice a week (two litres per plant = one 2L milk bottle full)

New fruit trees: once a week (ten litres per tree= one 10L bucket full)

Tip: half full buckets are easier to carry than full buckets. Use two buckets and have the tap half filling one while you are watering with the other.

Preserving your harvest

Have you got too many apples or peaches? March is the traditional month for preserving fresh fruit

In the photo - cox's orange apples

 Here you can read about preserving fruit using the overflow method.


This Tomato Relish recipe is a good way of preserving tomatoes. It tastes great in sandwices or with a curry. You can add chopped chilli to make it hot.

This week at Grandview Community Garden

Water wise vege growing - come and see how mulching and careful watering can keep your garden growing.

Community Garden Mentors will be at the garden to answer gardening  questions and help you get your garden ready to grow autumn vegetables.


Tuesday March 5th 9am to 11am 

Thursday March 7th 5.30pm to 7pm

Saturday March 9th 5.30pm to 7pm   


Wear boots or shoes and a sunhat. Bring tools and seeds if you have them.

Please park on Grandview Road and walk in the gate opposite 183 Grandview Rd. Bus route number 8 (Frankton)

Call us if you have any questions Clare and Tim ph 021 0387623 WIC Community Garden Mentors



Hamilton Italian Festival is on Sunday March 10th at Hamilton Gardens, There will be food, entertainment and cooking demonstrations.

Waikato Community and School Gardens Network Meeting is on Monday 18th March 1pm to 3pm at Grandview Community Garden.


Happy Gardening



11 years, 9 months ago
This site is excellent and so is how the subject matter was explained. I also like some of the comments too.Waiting for next post.
11 years, 9 months ago
Nice information, many thanks to the author. It is incomprehensible to me now, but in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming. Thanks again and good luck!

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